How to Infer the Passed Type in a TypeScript Function? [closed]
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How to Infer the Passed Type in a TypeScript Function? [closed]

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TypeScript is an amazing language that allows us to write typed JavaScript code. But, have you ever faced a situation where you needed to infer the type of a parameter passed to a function? Maybe you wanted to create a generic function that could work with different types of data, but you didn’t know how to get the type of the parameter at compile-time. Well, you’re in luck! In this article, we’ll explore how to infer the passed type in a TypeScript function.

What is Type Inference?

Type inference is a process in which the TypeScript compiler automatically determines the type of a variable or a function parameter based on its usage. This is in contrast to type annotation, where we explicitly specify the type of a variable or parameter.

For example, consider the following code:

let name = 'John Doe';

In this case, TypeScript infers the type of `name` to be `string` because we assigned a string literal to it. We didn’t need to explicitly specify the type of `name` using type annotation.

Inferring the Passed Type in a Function

Now, let’s talk about how to infer the passed type in a TypeScript function. Imagine we have a function called `processData` that takes a single parameter `data`. We want to create a generic function that can work with different types of data, such as numbers, strings, or objects.

We can use TypeScript’s type inference feature to infer the type of the `data` parameter based on the type of the value passed to the function. Here’s an example:

function processData<T>(data: T) {
  // We can use the 'data' parameter here, and TypeScript will infer its type

In this example, we defined a generic function `processData` that takes a single parameter `data` of type `T`. The type `T` is a type parameter that represents the type of the `data` parameter.

When we call the `processData` function, TypeScript will infer the type of the `data` parameter based on the type of the value passed to the function. For example:

processData(10); // TypeScript infers the type of 'data' to be number
processData('hello'); // TypeScript infers the type of 'data' to be string
processData({ name: 'John Doe' }); // TypeScript infers the type of 'data' to be { name: string }

As you can see, TypeScript correctly inferred the type of the `data` parameter based on the type of the value passed to the function.

Using Type Constraints

Sometimes, we might want to restrict the type of the `data` parameter to a specific type or a set of types. We can use type constraints to achieve this.

Type constraints allow us to specify a constraint on the type parameter `T`. For example, we can use the `extends` keyword to specify that `T` must extend a specific type or interface.

function processData<T extends string | number>(data: T) {
  // We can use the 'data' parameter here, and TypeScript will infer its type

In this example, we specified that the type parameter `T` must extend the union type `string | number`. This means that the `data` parameter can only be of type `string` or `number`. If we try to pass a value of a different type, TypeScript will throw an error.

We can also use type constraints to specify multiple types or interfaces that `T` must extend.

function processData<T extends (string | number) & { id: number }>(data: T) {
  // We can use the 'data' parameter here, and TypeScript will infer its type

In this example, we specified that `T` must extend the intersection type `(string | number) & { id: number }`. This means that the `data` parameter must be of type `string` or `number` and must also have an `id` property of type `number`.

Inferring the Type of an Array

What if we want to infer the type of an array parameter? TypeScript provides a built-in type called `infer` that allows us to infer the type of an array element.

function processArray<T>(array: T[]) {
  // We can use the 'array' parameter here, and TypeScript will infer its type

In this example, we defined a generic function `processArray` that takes an array parameter `array` of type `T[]`. The type `T` represents the type of the array elements.

When we call the `processArray` function, TypeScript will infer the type of the array elements based on the type of the values passed to the function. For example:

processArray([1, 2, 3]); // TypeScript infers the type of the array elements to be number
processArray(['hello', 'world']); // TypeScript infers the type of the array elements to be string
processArray([{ name: 'John Doe' }, { name: 'Jane Doe' }]); // TypeScript infers the type of the array elements to be { name: string }

As you can see, TypeScript correctly inferred the type of the array elements based on the type of the values passed to the function.

Inferring the Type of an Object

What if we want to infer the type of an object parameter? TypeScript provides a built-in type called `keyof` that allows us to infer the type of an object key.

function processObject<T>(object: T) {
  // We can use the 'object' parameter here, and TypeScript will infer its type

In this example, we defined a generic function `processObject` that takes an object parameter `object` of type `T`. The type `T` represents the type of the object.

When we call the `processObject` function, TypeScript will infer the type of the object based on the type of the object passed to the function. For example:

processObject({ name: 'John Doe', age: 30 }); // TypeScript infers the type of the object to be { name: string, age: number }
processObject({ id: 1, name: 'Product 1' }); // TypeScript infers the type of the object to be { id: number, name: string }

As you can see, TypeScript correctly inferred the type of the object based on the type of the object passed to the function.


In this article, we explored how to infer the passed type in a TypeScript function. We learned how to use type inference to determine the type of a parameter based on the type of the value passed to the function. We also learned how to use type constraints to restrict the type of the parameter to a specific type or set of types.

We saw how to infer the type of an array parameter using the `infer` type, and how to infer the type of an object parameter using the `keyof` type.

By using type inference and type constraints, we can create more flexible and reusable functions that can work with different types of data. We can also use type inference to simplify our code and reduce the amount of type annotations needed.

I hope you found this article helpful! If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to ask.

TypeScript Type Inference Cheat Sheet
<T> Type parameter that represents the type of a variable or parameter
extends Type constraint that specifies a type or interface that T must extend
infer Built-in type that infers the type of an array element
keyof Built-in type that infers the type of an object key

Note: This article is a rewritten and expanded version of the original answer on Stack Overflow.

  1. TypeScript Type Inference: How it Works and Why it’s Amazing
  2. Frequently Asked Question

    Get ready to unravel the mysteries of TypeScript! In this FAQ, we’ll dive into the world of type inference and explore the different ways to infer the passed type in a TypeScript function.

    How can I infer the type of a function parameter in TypeScript?

    You can infer the type of a function parameter in TypeScript by using the `infer` keyword in a conditional type. For example, `type inferType = T extends { foo: infer U } ? U : never;`. This will infer the type of the `foo` property as `U`.

    Can I use the `any` type to infer the passed type in a TypeScript function?

    While it’s technically possible to use the `any` type, it’s not recommended as it defeats the purpose of using TypeScript in the first place. Instead, use type annotations and let TypeScript infer the types for you!

    How can I infer the type of an object passed to a function in TypeScript?

    You can use the `typeof` operator to infer the type of an object passed to a function. For example, `function foo(obj: {}) { const type = typeof obj; … }`. This will infer the type of `obj` as `{}`.

    Can I use generics to infer the passed type in a TypeScript function?

    Absolutely! Generics are a powerful tool in TypeScript that allow you to create reusable functions that can work with different types. You can use type parameters to infer the type of the passed argument. For example, `function identity(arg: T) { return arg; }`.

    What are some best practices for inferring types in TypeScript functions?

    Some best practices for inferring types in TypeScript functions include using type annotations, avoiding the use of `any` and `unknown`, and leveraging generics and conditional types to create more flexible and reusable code.