Unlocking the Power of Quasar Select: Changing Options After Disabling Them
Image by Mgboli - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Power of Quasar Select: Changing Options After Disabling Them

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Are you tired of being stuck with an unchangeable option in your Quasar select component? Do you want to provide your users with the flexibility to adjust their choices even after disabling an option? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive into the world of Quasar select and explore the possibilities of changing options after disabling them.

Understanding the Quasar Select Component

The Quasar select component is a powerful tool for creating dropdown menus and option lists in your Vue.js application. It’s designed to be flexible and customizable, allowing you to tailor the component to your specific needs. However, when it comes to disabling options, things can get a bit tricky.

The Problem with Disabled Options

By default, when you disable an option in the Quasar select component, it becomes unselectable, but it still remains visible in the list. This can be problematic if you want to allow users to change their minds or if you need to update the options based on certain conditions.

The Solution: Using the `disable` Property with Caution

The `disable` property in Quasar select is used to, well, disable an option. However, it’s essential to understand that this property only affects the visual appearance and interactivity of the option, not its underlying value. This means that even when an option is disabled, its value can still be changed programmatically.


data() {
  return {
    selectedOption: '',
    options: [
      { label: 'Option 1', value: 'option1', disable: true },
      { label: 'Option 2', value: 'option2' },
      { label: 'Option 3', value: 'option3' }

In the example above, the first option is disabled using the `disable` property. However, if we update the `options` array programmatically, we can change the value of the disabled option.

Programmatic Updates: The Key to Changing Disabled Options

To change a disabled option, you need to update the `options` array programmatically. This can be done using various methods, including updating the `options` array directly, using a computed property, or even emitting an event to a parent component.

Updating the Options Array Directly

One way to update the `options` array is to modify it directly in your component’s script.

updateOptions() {
  this.options[0].value = 'newOption1';

In the example above, the `updateOptions` method is called when the `selectedOption` changes. This method updates the value of the first option in the `options` array, even if it’s disabled.

Using a Computed Property

Another approach is to use a computed property to update the `options` array.

computed: {
  updatedOptions() {
    return this.options.map(option => {
      if (option.value === 'option1') {
        return { ...option, value: 'newOption1' };
      return option;

In this example, the `updatedOptions` computed property returns a new array with the updated value for the first option.

Emitting an Event to a Parent Component

If you need to update the `options` array from a parent component, you can emit an event from the child component and listen for it in the parent.

  @update-options="$emit('updateOptions', $event)"

// In the parent component
  <q-select @update-options="updateOptions"></q-select>

methods: {
  updateOptions(newOptions) {
    this.options = newOptions;

In this example, the child component emits an `update-options` event when the `selectedOption` changes, and the parent component listens for this event and updates the `options` array accordingly.

Best Practices for Changing Disabled Options

When changing disabled options, it’s essential to keep the following best practices in mind:

  • Keep your code organized**: Make sure to update the `options` array in a centralized location, such as a computed property or a dedicated method, to avoid scattered code.
  • Use a clear naming convention**: Choose a clear and descriptive naming convention for your options and methods to avoid confusion.
  • Test thoroughly**: Test your implementation thoroughly to ensure that it works as expected, even when options are disabled.


In this article, we’ve explored the world of Quasar select and discovered the secrets of changing options after disabling them. By understanding the `disable` property and using programmatic updates, you can unlock the full potential of the Quasar select component and provide your users with a more flexible and user-friendly experience.

Remember to follow best practices, keep your code organized, and test thoroughly to ensure a seamless implementation. With these tips and tricks, you’ll be well on your way to mastering the Quasar select component and creating exceptional user interfaces.

Method Description
Updating the options array directly Modify the options array directly in the component’s script.
Using a computed property Use a computed property to update the options array.
Emitting an event to a parent component Emit an event from the child component and listen for it in the parent component.

By following these methods and best practices, you’ll be able to change disabled options with ease and create a more dynamic and responsive user interface.

  1. Quasar Framework: Quasar Select Component
  2. Vue.js: Computed Properties
  3. Vue.js: Emitting and Listening to Events

Frequently Asked Question

Get the scoop on Quasar select’s change option after disabling it! We’ve got the answers to your most pressing questions.

Can I change the option after disabling it in Quasar select?

Yes, you can change the option after disabling it in Quasar select. You can programmatically update the value of the select field by using the `:value` or `v-model` directive and then re-enabling the option.

Why can’t I change the option after disabling it in Quasar select?

If you’re unable to change the option after disabling it, it might be because the disabled option is not being updated in the Quasar select’s internal state. Make sure to update the `options` array or the `value` property of the select field to reflect the changes.

How do I re-enable a disabled option in Quasar select?

To re-enable a disabled option, simply remove the `disabled` property from the option object or set it to `false`. You can do this programmatically by updating the `options` array or using a function to toggle the disabled state.

Can I use a function to dynamically enable or disable options in Quasar select?

Yes, you can use a function to dynamically enable or disable options in Quasar select. You can create a function that takes an option as an argument and returns a boolean value indicating whether the option should be enabled or disabled. Then, use this function to update the `disabled` property of each option.

Are there any performance implications when dynamically enabling or disabling options in Quasar select?

Dynamically enabling or disabling options in Quasar select can have performance implications, especially if you have a large number of options. To mitigate this, use efficient array manipulation techniques, such as using `filter()` or `map()` methods, and avoid unnecessary DOM updates.

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