How to Send SOAP Requests in SAP CAP: S/4HANA Cloud WSDLs vs. External SOAP Services
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How to Send SOAP Requests in SAP CAP: S/4HANA Cloud WSDLs vs. External SOAP Services

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SAP Cloud Application Programming (CAP) is a powerful tool for building enterprise-grade applications, but when it comes to integrating with external systems, things can get a bit tricky. One common challenge is sending SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) requests to S/4HANA Cloud WSDLs (Web Services Description Language) or external SOAP services. In this article, we’ll demystify the process and provide a step-by-step guide on how to do it successfully.

What is SOAP and Why Do We Need It?

SOAP is a protocol used for exchanging structured information in the implementation of web services. It’s based on XML (Extensible Markup Language) and is widely used for communication between different systems. In the context of SAP CAP, SOAP is used to integrate with S/4HANA Cloud WSDLs and external SOAP services.

Think of SOAP as a messenger between your SAP CAP application and the external system. You send a message (request) to the external system, and it responds with the data you need. This data is then used to perform business logic, update records, or trigger subsequent actions in your application.

S/4HANA Cloud WSDLs vs. External SOAP Services

Before we dive into the process of sending SOAP requests, let’s clarify the difference between S/4HANA Cloud WSDLs and external SOAP services.


S/4HANA Cloud WSDLs are predefined web services provided by SAP for integrating with S/4HANA Cloud systems. These WSDLs are essentially a blueprint for communicating with S/4HANA Cloud, defining the structure and format of the data exchanged. When you use an S/4HANA Cloud WSDL, you’re essentially using a SAP-provided connector to interact with the S/4HANA Cloud system.

Benefits of using S/4HANA Cloud WSDLs:

  • Tight integration with S/4HANA Cloud
  • Less development effort required
  • Pre-built functionality for common scenarios

External SOAP Services

External SOAP services, on the other hand, are custom-built web services provided by third-party vendors or other systems. These services can be used to integrate with external systems, such as payment gateways, CRM systems, or legacy applications. External SOAP services require more development effort, as you need to create a custom connector to interact with the external system.

Benefits of using external SOAP services:

  • Flexibility to integrate with any system
  • Customization to meet specific business requirements
  • Increased control over the integration process

Preparing Your SAP CAP Application

Before sending SOAP requests, you need to set up your SAP CAP application to handle SOAP communication. Here are the steps to follow:

Step 1: Create an HTTP Client

In your SAP CAP application, create an HTTP client that will be used to send SOAP requests. You can do this by creating a new HTTP client instance and specifying the URL of the WSDL or external SOAP service.

const httpClient = new http.Client({
  url: '',
  authentication: {
    type: 'basic',
    username: 'username',
    password: 'password'

Step 2: Define the SOAP Request

Next, define the SOAP request that will be sent to the external system. This typically involves creating a SOAP envelope, which contains the payload data and headers.

const soapRequest = {
  'Envelope': {
    'Body': {
      'GetData': {
        'inputData': 'Hello, World!'

Step 3: Set the SOAP Headers

SOAP headers contain metadata about the request, such as the target namespace, action, and authentication information. Make sure to set the correct headers for your SOAP request.

const soapHeaders = {
  'Content-Type': 'text/xml; charset=utf-8',
  'SOAPAction': 'GetData'

Sending SOAP Requests to S/4HANA Cloud WSDLs

Now that you’ve set up your SAP CAP application, let’s focus on sending SOAP requests to S/4HANA Cloud WSDLs.

Step 1: Import the S/4HANA Cloud WSDL

Import the S/4HANA Cloud WSDL into your SAP CAP application. This will generate a proxy class that you can use to interact with the WSDL.

const s4hanaCloudWsdl = await importWsdl('');

Step 2: Create a Proxy Instance

Create an instance of the proxy class, which will be used to send the SOAP request.

const proxyInstance = new s4hanaCloudWsdl.proxy();

Step 3: Call the WSDL Method

Call the WSDL method that corresponds to the operation you want to perform. In this example, we’ll call the `GetData` method.

const response = await proxyInstance.GetData(soapRequest);

Sending SOAP Requests to External SOAP Services

Sending SOAP requests to external SOAP services is slightly different from sending requests to S/4HANA Cloud WSDLs. Here’s how to do it:

Step 1: Create a SOAP Client

Create a SOAP client that will be used to send the SOAP request. You can use a library like `soap-client` to create a SOAP client instance.

constsoapClient = new SoapClient('');

Step 2: Define the SOAP Request

Define the SOAP request that will be sent to the external SOAP service. This is similar to the process described earlier.

const soapRequest = {
  'Envelope': {
    'Body': {
      'GetData': {
        'inputData': 'Hello, World!'

Step 3: Send the SOAP Request

Send the SOAP request to the external SOAP service using the SOAP client.

const response = await soapClient.sendMessage(soapRequest);

Handling SOAP Response

Once you’ve sent the SOAP request, you need to handle the response from the external system. This typically involves parsing the XML response and extracting the relevant data.

const responseXml = response.body.toString();
const xmlDoc = await xmljs.parseString(responseXml);
const responseData = xmlDoc.Envelope.Body.GetResponse.result;


Sending SOAP requests in SAP CAP can seem daunting at first, but by following the steps outlined in this article, you should be able to successfully integrate with S/4HANA Cloud WSDLs and external SOAP services. Remember to define the SOAP request and headers correctly, and handle the response from the external system. With practice and experience, you’ll become proficient in sending SOAP requests and integrating with external systems using SAP CAP.


Q: What is the difference between S/4HANA Cloud WSDLs and external SOAP services?

A: S/4HANA Cloud WSDLs are predefined web services provided by SAP for integrating with S/4HANA Cloud systems, while external SOAP services are custom-built web services provided by third-party vendors or other systems.

Q: How do I handle errors when sending SOAP requests?

A: You can handle errors by catching exceptions and parsing the error response from the external system. This typically involves checking the HTTP status code and error messages returned by the external system.

Q: Can I use SOAP with other SAP technologies, such as SAP Fiori?

A: Yes, SOAP can be used with other SAP technologies, such as SAP Fiori, to integrate with external systems or SAP systems.

By following the instructions and guidelines outlined in this article, you should be able to successfully send SOAP requests in SAP CAP and integrate with S/4HANA Cloud WSDLs and external SOAP services. Happy coding!

Keyword Description
SAP CAP SAP Cloud Application Programming
S/4HANA Cloud WSDLs SAP-provided web services for integrating with S/4HANA Cloud systems
External SOAP

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to dive into the world of SOAP requests in SAP CAP and learn how to send them like a pro!

What is the difference between S/4HANA Cloud WSDLs and External SOAP Services in SAP CAP?

S/4HANA Cloud WSDLs are used to interact with S/4HANA Cloud systems, whereas External SOAP Services are used to interact with external systems that provide SOAP APIs. Think of WSDLs as a communication channel within the SAP ecosystem, while External SOAP Services allow you to connect with outside systems.

How do I generate a WSDL file in SAP CAP for a S/4HANA Cloud system?

You can generate a WSDL file in SAP CAP by using the SAP Fiori Launchpad and following these steps: Open the Fiori Launchpad, navigate to the SAP S/4HANA Cloud system, click on the “Service Explorer” tile, and then select the service you want to generate a WSDL for. Finally, click on the “Download WSDL” button, and voilà! Your WSDL file is ready!

What is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous SOAP requests in SAP CAP?

Synchronous SOAP requests wait for the response from the server before continuing execution, whereas asynchronous requests continue execution immediately and receive the response later. Think of synchronous requests as waiting for a phone call to finish, while asynchronous requests are like sending a text message and checking for a response later.

How do I configure and send a SOAP request in SAP CAP?

To configure and send a SOAP request in SAP CAP, follow these steps: Create an instance of the SOAP client, set the request headers and body, specify the endpoint URL, and finally, execute the request. It’s like building a letter, addressing the envelope, and sending it off!

How do I handle SOAP request errors in SAP CAP?

To handle SOAP request errors in SAP CAP, you can use try-catch blocks to catch exceptions, check the response status code, and log errors for debugging. Think of it like having a safety net to catch any mistakes – it’s always better to be prepared!